Gene Moimoi Died By Suicide, MSC Cruises Direct

Gene Moimoi Committed Suicide, according to MSC Cruises Direct

Gene Moimoi Young was a cruise director on numerous MSC Cruises ships, but more than anything, he was a remarkable person who radiated good vibes and shared them with everyone he met. We are still having a hard time accepting his passing. He abruptly passed away in Miami, Florida.

He earned high ratings during his tenure as a cruise director, and guests consistently had a good time.

Gene made a special effort to improve everyone’s quality of life on board the ships. He was a kind, kind, and vibrant man who will be sorely missed by many. Gene had strong feelings towards

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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