How to complete the Brains and Beauty Challenge in BitLife

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The weekend has arrived, and with it, another challenge for you to complete in BitLife. This time around, you’re going to need to focus on increasing your character’s Smarts and Looks stats up as high as possible, becoming some somewhat difficult careers along the way. It won’t be an easy task. In this guide, we’re going to cover everything you need to do to complete the Brains and Beauty Challenge in BitLife.

These are all of the tasks you need to do to complete the Brains and Beauty Challenge.

  • Become a model
  • Become a brain surgeon
  • Read Frankenstein
  • Have 100% Smarts
  • Have 100% Looks

The first task has you becoming a model. You can do this by ensuring throughout middle school and high school, and your character increases their Looks stat as much as possible. The best way to do this is to work out every year, go on numerous walks, and make sure they are interested in a school sports activity. This will ensure their Health stats remain high, and your Looks should increase every time they work out. However, it also helps to start with a character with high Looks stat when born. After that, look for the Foot Model career in the occupation tab, and apply for it. If you have high enough looks, you’ll be able to become a Foot Model. Follow this career path to become a model eventually.

Next, they need to become a Brain Surgeon. Unlike the Model career, you’ll need to ensure your character has high enough smarts. You can increase this by visiting the library every day or reading books. We recommend reading books when you’re younger to give your character a better chance at a younger age. When you’re ready, you need to apply to go to University, and you’ll want to study Biology or Psychology. Both acceptable. You’ll need to spend four years at college, and then after you graduate, you need to go to Medical School, which is another four years. After you graduate, you’ll then be able to apply for a Brain Surgeon role in the medical field.

Along the way, your character will need to read the book, Frankenstein. They can do that by choosing the Mind & Body activity and selecting the Book option. There’s a random chance for Frankenstein to appear in this section. You need to wait for it pop up, and when it does, manually tap the book pages to read it thoroughly. You may need to visit this section several times throughout your character’s life before they can read it.

The last two things concern reaching 100% in both Looks and Smarts. These stats are difficult to increase, with Looks relying on your character to work out and have a healthy diet throughout their life. For Smarts, you can improve it by reading books and visiting the library or trying the Memory Test. You’ll want to do this frequently at a younger age to increase your chances of maintaining these stats as your Character ages. However, the Brains and Beauty Challenge goal is to complete both career goals and read Frankenstein while having these stats, so if you’ve already done the last three things and have 100% in the stats, you should finish this challenge.

After completing this challenge, you’ll receive a reward to select one of four random chests for a random appearance item for your BitLife account.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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