How Whitney Houston Fans Feel About Her Best Friend, Robyn Crawford, Confirming They Had a Romantic

Whitney Houston’s best friend, former employee and rumored lover is breaking her silence on the life she shared with the icon. Her upcoming memoir, A Song For You: My Life With Whitney Houston, it set to be released this week. Crawford is currently doing a series of interviews in promotion of the book. Speaking to People Magazine, Crawford says that her motivation for writing the book is “to share the woman behind the incredible talent.” Her revelation that she and Houston’s friendship was more than platonic at one point is causing quite the reaction amongst her fans. 

Robyn Crawford confirms romantic relationship with Whitney Houston

After years of speculation, Crawford confirmed in her first televised interview with NBC that they were at one point, more than friends. Whenever questioned previously, Houston denied that she and Crawford were more than friends. Crawford admitted that the move on Houston’s part was strategic. 

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According to Crawford, she and Whitney met during the summer of 1980. Crawford says their connection was instant and they became close friends. Their friendship turned romantic one evening when Crawford says they spent the night together.

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Once Houston’s career began to take effect, Crawford says the singer insisted they could no longer be involved in a romantic way. Crawford explained that Houston wanted to keep the details of their relationship private. Despite their attempts, Houston’s family was well aware of their love affair. 

Robyn Crawford’s says Whitney Houston’s family was against their relationship

On the 2018 documentary Whitney, Houston’s inner circle spoke with confidence about the nature of her relationship with Crawford. While Houston’s brother Gary admitted he was not fond of Crawford, calling her a “nobody,” others in Houston’s circle felt that Crawford was a safe place for the star and allowed the singer to be her true self. Their romance was also assessed on the 2017 Showtime documentary, Can I Be Me?

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Houston allegedly felt that if she maintained a romantic relationship with Crawford, her career would suffer. Furthermore, Crawford says there was pressure from Houston’s religious family, particularly from Houston’s mother, Cissy Houston. The elder Houston believed that two women being together was “unnatural,” according to Crawford.

Within two years of their romance, Crawford said the physical part of their relationship ceased. They would stay friends for the next 20 years, with Crawford working as Houston’s assistant turned creative director. Crawford was let go from her position after a falling out with Houston’s husband, Bobby Brown.

Fans reactions to Robyn Crawford’s  revelation about her relationship with Whitney Houston are mixed

Many people have long waited to hear Crawford’s side of the story. For so long, only Houston’s family had spoken out about their feelings towards Crawford, with most of it being negative. Houston’s mother admitted to Oprah during an interview that she did not like Crawford. She felt that Crawford had a level of control over her daughter that she did not understand. Cissy Houston also confirmed that if Houston declared that she and Crawford were in an intimate relationship, she would not have accepted their union. 

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Cissy eventually came to grow a likeness for Crawford after seeing how good of a friend Crawford was to her daughter.

Now that Crawford is telling her side of the story, fans’ reactions are mixed. Many feel it’s long overdue that Crawford speaks out as an imbalanced picture has been painted for so long. 

“People need to remember that while Whitney is not here to tell “her” story, Robin is, and she has a right to speak on her own behalf. Proud of you girl,” one fan declared. 

People need to remember that while Whitney is not here to tell "her" story, Robin is, and she has a right to speak on her own behalf. Proud of you girl. #RobynCrawford

— Shari Lynn (@sharilynns65) November 7, 2019 Source: Twitter

They also praise the role the Crawford praised in Houston’s life and believe that had they continued their relationship, Houston’s ending would have been different.

One fan tweeted: “I truly believe if she’d been allowed to continue to have #RobynCrawford in her life she’d still be alive. Sad she wasn’t born into an easier time. I hope her family realizes how toxic homophobia is (and they no doubt continue to profit off her work).”

I truly believe if she'd been allowed to continue to have #RobynCrawford in her life she'd still be alive. Sad she wasn't born into an easier time. I hope her family realizes how toxic homophobia is (and they no doubt continue to profit off her work) #WhitneyHouston

— K C (@Lucky7Steel) November 6, 2019 Source: Twitter

Others believe that it’s unnecessary and disrespectful to Houston’s legacy. Additionally, fans believe that Crawford is being disloyal and speaking out now makes her motives questionable.

“Why now, though??” one fan tweeted with the hashtag, #Robyn Crawford.

Source: Twitter

“Everybody needs a big mouth friend like Robin. What’s your point in telling all this now? Is anything sacred?” another fan asked followed by a series of hashtags.

Source: Twitter

Another added: “#RobynCrawford confirming this post Whitney untimely death still sort of tasteless son. Idc that they were lovers because we already knew.”

#RobynCrawford confirming this post Whitney untimely death still sort of tasteless son. Idc that they were lovers because we already knew.

— Vis Swoop aka @GorditoDiddy (@VisSwoops) November 7, 2019 Source: Twitter

Whether or not fans agree with Crawford’s book, it has not halted its release. A Song For You is available for purchase on November 12. 
