Yuzuru Hanyu Wife: Is Yuzuru Hanyu Married?

Yuzuru Hanyu Wife: Is Yuzuru Hanyu Married? – Hanyu was identified as having asthma at the age of two, a condition that progressively got better over time.

Hanyu struggled with the condition well into his junior competition career, and according to Canadian choreographer David Wilson, it was not until Hanyu made the switch to adult competition that he was able to figure out how to deal with the endurance problems that his asthma had caused in the later portions of his junior performances.

When Hanyu was four years old, his sister’s coach Mami Yamada suggested he try skating rather than disrupting his sister’s practice.

As soon as Hanyu stepped onto the ice, Yamada noticed his impatience. He sprinted over to the ice, jumped, fell hard, hitting his helmet on the surface, quickly got to his feet, and started running once more.

Yamada, however, commended Hanyu for his capacity to convey sincerity. After mentoring him through the end of his second grade of elementary school, Yamada had to relocate to a different prefecture and asked Shichichir Tsuzuki, the former coach of Minoru Sano, who won Japan’s first medal at the World Figure Skating Championships, to mentor Hanyu and keep his talent from going to waste.

Hanyu’s supporters and fans eventually established a custom to recognize the conclusion of his performances by throwing Pooh bears onto the ice instead of other types of stuffed toys or gifts, which has been customary in figure skating since Hanyu started carrying a Winnie-the-Pooh tissue box to competitions in 2010. Hanyu gives the bears to underprivileged kids at neighborhood charities and hospitals as well as the arena where the event was held.

Hanyu attended Nanakita Junior High and Elementary Schools. After graduating from Tohoku High School in 2013, Hanyu enrolled in Waseda University’s online Human Information Science program. He traveled from his training base in Canada to the school.

In August 2020, it was made public that his graduation thesis examined the potential applications of 3D motion capture technology in figure skating, particularly with regard to figure skating judging.

He recorded and examined his movements while performing an off-ice triple axel jump as one of his research projects with the aim of enhancing athletic performance and AI judging.

He received his university diploma in September 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, he was unable to attend the ceremony. His graduation thesis was summarized in a bulletin paper that was published on the Waseda Journal of Human Sciences in March 2021.

Yuzuru Hanyu Wife: Is Yuzuru Hanyu Married?

As of 2022, Yuzuru Hanyu was not married. Additionally, there is no information about his fiancee as well.
