Netflix’s show “Making Fun” brings kids’ wild imaginations to life as Jimmy DiResta and his team transform their ideas into real inventions. But have you ever wondered what happens to these unique creations once they’re completed? In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of “Making Fun” and uncover the fate of the imaginative builds.
Exploring Kids’ Inventions
On “Making Fun,” kids pitch their imaginative ideas to Jimmy DiResta and his team. It’s in their hands to decide whether a project is feasible or not. Filmed in Jimmy’s actual workshop, the makers spend their days bringing these unique inventions to life.
The range of ideas is diverse, from massive guitars to dinosaurs. While some requests are realistic, others are downright quirky, like a giant rock-paper-scissors model, a time machine, or even a fart humidifier. Jimmy and his crew claim they can “build anything,” and they take these inventive kids at their word. However, if an idea seems unrealistic, they politely say “next” and move on to the next creative young mind.
Jimmy’s Dedication
The heart of the show, Jimmy DiResta, is known for his exceptional craftsmanship. He takes on the challenge of making these imaginative concepts a reality. The crew works tirelessly alongside him to bring these unique ideas to life. One of the standout creations is a taco-spewing T-rex that sits on a toilet – a testament to Jimmy’s creative prowess.
What Happens to the Builds?
Many fans have been curious about the fate of the show’s creations. Do the kids get to keep them, or are they destroyed after filming? Jimmy DiResta confirmed that he has preserved all of the builds made during “Making Fun.” When a fan inquired whether the kids receive the completed inventions, he simply replied with a heart emoji, saying, “We have them all.”
In addition to the quirky creations, Jimmy shared a stained glass dinosaur picture made using Total Boat resins during the Netflix series. This further highlights his dedication to preserving these unique pieces of art.
The Legacy of Gurglin Gutz
One notable creation from Jimmy DiResta and his brother Joey is the Gurglin Gutz toy. It resembled human organs and included a toy brain, eye, heart, and stomach. The concept began as a prototype consisting of a condom filled with tomato juice and a hollow ball, which they presented to brothers Jeffery and Keneth Lewis of 4Kidz, Inc., in 1994.
In 1995, Gurglin Gutz was officially launched and became a massive success, shipping over 10 million pieces in its first five years. Today, fans can still purchase these ’80s toys, with prices starting from $30, by visiting the 4Kidz, Inc. website.
“Making Fun” on Netflix not only brings kids’ imaginative creations to life but also preserves these unique builds. Thanks to Jimmy DiResta’s dedication, these creations continue to exist long after the cameras stop rolling. The show’s legacy extends to the quirky and beloved Gurglin Gutz toy, reminding us of the power of creativity and innovation. As you enjoy “Making Fun,” you can rest assured that these imaginative inventions have found a lasting home in Jimmy’s workshop.