Who is Kid Cudi dating? Kid Cudi girlfriend, wife

Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi  American Rapper


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Kid Cudi is possibly single.


Kid Cudi has been in relationships with Michelle Trachtenberg (2014), Stella Maeve (2013), Mariel Haenn (2013), Jamie Baratta (2010 - 2012) and Amanda Bynes (2010).


Kid Cudi is a 39 year old American Rapper. Born Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi on 30th January, 1984 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States and educated at Solon High School, he is famous for A Kid Named Cudi -2009 in a career that spans Musical career. His zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Relationship Statistics

Dating510 years, 11 months4 years, 8 months28 days
Total510 years, 11 months4 years, 8 months28 days


First NameScott
Middle NameRamon Seguro
Last NameMescudi
Full Name at BirthScott Ramon Seguro Mescudi
Alternative NameKid Cudi
Age39 years
Birthday30th January, 1984
BirthplaceCleveland, Ohio, United States
Height5' 11" (180 cm)
Eye ColorBrown - Dark
Hair ColorBlack
Zodiac SignAquarius
High SchoolShaker Heights High School, Solon High School
UniversityUniversity of Toledo
Occupation TextRapper, Actor, Writer
Claim to FameA Kid Named Cudi -2009
Music Genre (Text)Hip hop, Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Alternative Rock, alternative hip hop, trip hop
Year(s) Active2003–present, Musical career
Instrument (text)Vocals, Guitar, Rhythm Machine, Bass Guitar
Record LabelWicked Awesome, Republic (current), Dream On, GOOD Music , Fool's Gold Records (former), Dream On, GOOD, Fool's Gold (former), Wicked Awesome, Republic (current), Dream On, GOOD, Fool's Gold, Universal Motown (former), Republic, Fool's Gold, Universal Motown
Associated ActsWzrd, Common, Dot da Genius, Kanye West, King Chip, Travis Barker, Steve Aoki, Ratatat, Mgmt, Kids See Ghosts, Travis Scott, The Scotts, Emile Haynie, Plain Pat
Talent Agency (e.g. Modelling)Leverage Management
Official Websiteswww.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbGlua3MudW1yZy5jb20vaXR1bmVzLmFzcHg/aT0zMzAzNDEzNDkmaWQ9MzMwMzM5NDY4JnM9MTQzNDQxJnVvPTY=, www.kidcudi.com/, datnewcudi.com/, twitter.com/kidcudi, www.facebook.com/kidcudi, http://www.kidcudi.com, http://kidcudi.com

Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi (born January 30, 1984), better known by his stage name Kid Cudi (; often stylized as KiD CuDi), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, and record executive. He has widely been recognized as an influence on several contemporary hip hop and alternative acts. Cudi's first full-length project, a mixtape titled A Kid Named Cudi (2008) caught the attention of American rapper-producer Kanye West, who signed Cudi to his GOOD Music label imprint in late 2008.

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