Mean Boss Sends Loyal Employee to Jail, Karma Catches up with Him Later Story of the Day

A mean boss embroiled in a crime tricks his loyal employee, Abraham, into taking the blame for him and going to jail. He promises to bring him out in two months and help his family. When Abraham gets out of jail only two years later, he learns he was deceived and teaches his evil boss a painful lesson...

Police sirens blared, shattering the tranquility of the street outside Bloomingdale Corp. Abraham sat in the police cruiser, the cold metal of the handcuffs biting into his wrists.

He glanced out of the window and caught a glimpse of his boss, Mr. Sutton, standing on the sidewalk. Mr. Sutton's eyes were wide with relief as he clutched his handkerchief tightly.

As the cruiser slowly pulled away from the premise, Abraham couldn't ignore the pounding of his heart or the sinking feeling in his stomach.

Just twenty minutes ago, life had seemed perfect—a loving wife, a playful son, and a steady income had created a comfortable bubble around him. But now, that bubble had burst, and he was hurtling into the unknown.

"Abraham, you have to do this," Mr. Sutton had nervously pleaded those fateful 20 minutes ago. "My wife... she's due in a week. I can't be in jail when our baby arrives. Please, take the blame for me. I promise I'll get you out in two months, take care of your family, and make you my business partner once you're out. You have my word."

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Abraham hesitated, torn between loyalty and self-preservation. He knew the consequences of accepting Mr. Sutton's request could be severe, but he also couldn't bear the thought of his boss's pregnant wife facing this ordeal alone.

"Are you sure, Mr. Sutton?" Abraham finally spoke, his voice quivering. "I don't know what will happen to my family if I go to jail. I'm all they've got."

Mr. Sutton wiped his temples with his handkerchief, his eyes filled with a pleading look. "I swear, Abraham, I'll make sure your family is taken care of. You're the only one I can trust with this. Please, help me. The cops are on their way and should be here any minute—I just got a tip. Please, take the blame for me. Help me."

With a heavy heart, Abraham curled his lips and nodded, his eyes downcast. "Okay, Mr. Sutton. I'll do it."

The police sirens blared again, snapping him to the moment. Abraham's fate had taken a different turn in just twenty minutes.

As the cruiser carried him away, he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that clung to him. He could only hope that Mr. Sutton would keep his promises and that his family would be safe and cared for in his absence.

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Two years had passed since Abraham had taken the fall for Mr. Sutton's crime.

As soon he was out of jail, he arrived outside his former boss's office at Bloomingdale Corp. The door was closed, but the muffled sounds from inside left little to the imagination.

Inside, Mr. Sutton's office had turned into a scene of forbidden romance. His young secretary, Lisa, sat provocatively on his desk, their hushed laughter and whispers filling the room.

"Mr. Sutton, you're such a risk-taker," Lisa purred, tracing her finger along the edge of a paperweight.

Mr. Sutton leaned in closer, a sly grin on his face. "Only for things that are worth it, darling."

Just as their tryst reached a fever pitch, the door suddenly burst open.

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Mr. Sutton's face contorted from surprise to anger as he locked eyes with Abraham—his loyal employee who had covered up for him and spent two years behind bars.

The stark contrast between the two men was impossible to ignore. Abraham, once the sharp and well-groomed office worker, now looked disheveled and worn.

He wore a dull, tattered black pullover and a raggedy cap that covered his unkempt hair. His beard and mustache, wild and unruly, spoke of two years lost in jail.

Abraham offered a sheepish apology for his appearance, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Sorry about the mess, Mr. Sutton. Just got out of jail and couldn't wait to see you. Haven't even made it home to my wife and kid yet."

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Mr. Sutton's frustration was evident on the creases of his forehead as he struggled to regain his composure. He leaned in close to Lisa, his voice barely above a whisper. "Call security," he instructed her urgently.

Lisa nodded, exchanging a flirtatious smile with her boss before leaving his office.

Abraham, unaware of the impending threat, continued to wear a hopeful smile, oblivious to the storm brewing around him.

His return had clearly disrupted Mr. Sutton's world, and the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.

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Abraham, still hopeful, extended his hand for a handshake, expecting a warm welcome from his boss. His brows arched in surprise, and a smile played on his lips as he anticipated a positive reception.

"Mr. Sutton," Abraham began, his voice eager. "Finally, after two years...sheesh! I'm ready to rejoin my job. I hope no one has occupied my office! My beloved pot of Peace Lily... it's still there on my desk, right?"

However, Mr. Sutton's response was far from what Abraham had anticipated. He remained seated in his rolling chair, looking at Abraham with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

The room seemed to grow colder by the second.

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Mr. Sutton's voice was laced with amusement as he asked, "What do you want, Abraham? What are you doing in my office?"

Abraham's initial excitement gave way to confusion. He stammered, struggling to find the right words.

"I... I thought... I thought we had an agreement, Mr. Sutton. I served my time in jail as we discussed... in fact, you said only two months. But I was behind bars for two years... and now I'm here to return to my job."

Abraham attempted to maintain a semblance of confidence. With a forced smile, he added, "I hope my office is still available."

Mr. Sutton's grin widened, but it held a cruel edge. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"You see, Abraham," he began, his tone dripping with condescension, "here at Bloomingdale Corp, we have a strict policy. We don't have offices for people with criminal records."

Abraham's face drained of color, his hopes dashed to pieces. Shock and disbelief coursed through him as he realized the enormity of Mr. Sutton's deception.

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The very man he had sacrificed two years of his life for was now delivering a cold and heartless betrayal that made his skin crawl.

Abraham stood there, stunned and shaken, as the harsh reality of his situation sunk in. The air in the office grew heavy with tension, and the weight of his boss's betrayal pressed down on him like an unbearable burden.

His confusion turned into a gnawing sense of dread as he leaned on Mr. Sutton's desk. His voice quivered as he sought answers.

"Mr. Sutton, what's going on? You were the reason behind my criminal record. What do you mean by you don't have a spot for me... in your office?"

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Mr. Sutton reclined in his chair, an inscrutable smile on his face. "Ah, Abraham, always the loyal employee!" he mused.

"You see, I never actually promised you anything. It was your decision to take the blame for me, and I certainly didn't force you."

Abraham's frustration mounted, and he pointedly reminded Mr. Sutton of their agreement. "We had a deal, Mr. Sutton. You said if I took the blame for you and served my sentence, you'd make me your business partner. You also promised your lawyers would get me out of jail in two months. But it took me two years to come out."

Mr. Sutton's smirk grew more pronounced, a calculated glint in his eyes. "Ah, yes, our 'deal,'" he said mockingly. "But you see Abraham, I'm a busy man, and I don't have time to debate the past. Some promises are, well, meant to be broken!"

Abraham couldn't contain his shock and disappointment any longer. He felt the weight of the time he had spent behind bars away from his family crashing down on him.

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"How could you betray me like this, Mr. Sutton?" he implored, his voice tinged with anguish. "I served two years in jail so you could be with your wife and newborn baby. I made such a big sacrifice for your sake. And you just—"

Mr. Sutton's laughter rang out, cold and heartless. He leaned forward, his eyes locked on Abraham's as he delivered the final blow.

"Abraham, you were a fool to trust me," he sneered. "There was never a pregnant wife or a baby. I'm not even married!"

Abraham staggered back as if struck by lightning. The revelation hit him like a sledgehammer, leaving him shattered and betrayed.

The man he had considered a mentor and a friend had turned out to be a ruthless deceiver, and the gravity of the betrayal left him speechless.

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He felt his world crumble around him. "Why, Mr. Sutton?" he demanded, his voice laced with hurt and anger. "Why did you betray me and send me to jail? Why did you use me?"

Mr. Sutton leaned back in his chair, a twisted smile playing on his lips. He reveled in Abraham's torment, relishing every moment of his power.

"Oh, Abraham," he chuckled darkly, "you were the perfect pawn. A middle-class, hardworking employee… a family guy easy to manipulate and play the blame game with."

Abraham's fists clenched involuntarily, his anger bubbling beneath the surface. He desperately hoped that Mr. Sutton would have a change of heart, that there was still a shred of decency left in his boss.

But Mr. Sutton's next words dashed those hopes. "You're officially fired, Abraham," he declared with a wicked grin. "If you ever set foot in this office again, you'll face dire consequences."

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Before a startled Abraham could process the shock, Lisa stormed into the office with a guard who grabbed his shirt and forced him out.

He shot one last anguished glance at his boss and uttered, "It's unfair! You deceived me!" Abraham's voice echoed down the hallway, filled with frustration, but it faded into the distance, drowned out by the cruel reality of his betrayal.

He was kicked out of the office building, the heavy weight of deception weighing down on his shoulders.

He walked the familiar path home, his footsteps heavy with hurt and disappointment. The truth of his boss's betrayal gnawed at his heart like a relentless beast.

Despite the turmoil within, Abraham managed to put on a facade of happiness as he approached his home.

His wife, Joan, and their 8-year-old son, Sully, rushed to greet him with hugs, kisses, and tears of joy. The warmth of their embrace momentarily eased the pain in his chest.

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After freshening up, Abraham joined his family at the dining table. His son, Sully, sat there with a gloomy expression, pushing his food around on his plate.

Abraham wanted to ask his son what was bothering him, but before he could, Joan interrupted with a disheartened tone.

"That's enough, Aby,' she said, her frustration evident in both her voice and on her face. "We can't go on like this. Two long years... Do you realize how long that is? Do you have any idea how much we've struggled without you?"

Abraham's brow furrowed in confusion. He believed that visiting Mr. Sutton and convincing him to hire him back would solve everything.

"It must be some misunderstanding, Jo," he replied optimistically. "I'll meet with Mr. Sutton and clear things up. I'm sure I can convince him to hire me back."

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But Joan's gaze remained heavy with disappointment as she gave Abraham a withering look. "Aby...honey," she said softly, "your boss turned out to be a wolf in sheep's skin. You've been too blind, too trusting."

The weight of her words hung in the air, and the harsh reality of his situation began to sink in for Abraham.

He realized that his trust had been misplaced, and the road ahead would be far more challenging than he had ever imagined without a job and a criminal record for a crime he'd never committed.

He fell into a deep, haunted silence as the memories of Mr. Sutton's forgotten promises flooded his mind. He stared at his plate, lost in thought, while his son, Sully, looked up at his mother with a disappointed expression.

"I don't want to eat the broth, Mom," Sully voiced his protest. "I want caramel pudding and turkey roast. You always serve this bland broth for dinner. I hate it!"

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Joan let out a weary sigh and reached out to gently rub her son's shoulder. "We can't afford that right now, baby," she explained softly. "Please, just have the broth and go to bed."

Abraham's eyes widened in shock as he overheard their conversation. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He abruptly rose from his chair, his anger and frustration bubbling to the surface.

Confronting Joan, he asked sharply, "What do you mean we don't have any money, Jo? And what about all the financial assistance Mr. Sutton promised? He was supposed to take care of everything while I was away. What happened to that?"

Joan stood in silence for a moment, her gaze dropping to the floor as she struggled to find the right words. The weight of her husband's disappointment bore down on her. Finally, she managed to speak, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Aby," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "there was no money from Mr. Sutton. There never was. While you were in jail, your boss never did anything for us, let alone give us a single penny."

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Abraham felt as if the ground had been pulled from beneath his feet. He couldn't comprehend what he was hearing.

His boss had deceived him not only about the pregnancy but also about taking care of his family during his time in jail. The betrayal cut deeper than he could have ever imagined.

As Abraham desperately begged Joan to talk further, his eyes darted around the dimly lit dining room. Something seemed amiss.

His gaze fell upon several cardboard boxes sealed with duct tape, neatly stacked against one wall. Confusion etched his features, and he turned to Joan, demanding an explanation.

"What's going on here, Jo?" Abraham asked, his voice tinged with concern. "What are these boxes doing here?"

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Joan slammed down a bowl onto the table with a frustrated thud and turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

She stormed to the side, putting some distance between them, and as Abraham reached out to touch her arm, she politely barked at him, keeping her voice low.

"Don't touch me, Abraham," she warned. "Please... stop this. You ruined everything for us… by trusting your boss."

With trembling hands, Joan then retrieved a document from a nearby shelf and handed it over to her husband.

Abraham grabbed the document, and his eyes widened in shock as he scanned the contents. It was a bank notice, and the stark reality stared back at him.

"We're in debt," Joan said, her voice quivering with anger and despair. "The bills have been piling up, and I had to take loans just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Mr. Sutton never helped us. We've been struggling, and I didn't want to burden you with this while you were in jail."

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Abraham's heart sank as he realized the extent of the deception. He felt a profound sense of guilt for not being there for his family during their difficult times, and anger welled up within him.

Mr. Sutton had not only betrayed his trust but had also left his family in financial ruin.

Abraham knew he had to confront his former boss and set things right, but it wouldn't be easy.

Joan's trembling voice continued to reveal the grim truth. "Aby, they're going to take our house," she said, her eyes filled with tears. "We couldn't keep up with the loan payments, and now the bank is threatening to foreclose."

Abraham's heart sank even further as he absorbed the devastating news. The home he had built with dreams of a happy family life was now at risk, all because of the deception orchestrated by his former boss.

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Joan returned to the table, serving her son Sully with another helping of the meager broth. She explained the harsh reality they had faced during the two years Abraham had spent behind bars.

"For two years, Sully and I were on our own," Joan continued, her gaze downcast. "I worked as a babysitter for a neighbor just to put food on the table. No one wanted to hire me, especially once they found out my husband was in jail. I couldn't even get a waitressing job."

Abraham's head spun as he realized the magnitude of the challenges his family had faced without his support.

Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders for not being there for them when they needed him the most. The truth was a heavy burden to bear, and Abraham knew he had to take responsibility for his family's dire situation.

The revelation hit him like a freight train, and he resolved to confront Mr. Sutton and find a way to make amends for the betrayal that had left his family in ruins.

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Joan's eyes blazed with anger and disappointment as she condemned Abraham for his absence and for trusting Mr. Sutton, who had ensnared him in a web of lies and empty promises.

"You left us, Abraham," Joan bitterly accused. "You trusted your boss, who did nothing but spin lies and feed us fake promises while you were in jail, sacrificing yourself for him."

She reminded him of the urgency of their situation, the looming deadline to vacate their apartment in a week.

The weight of their predicament bore down on them, etching deep lines of anger and betrayal on Abraham's forehead as he sighed in pain.

The following day, he found himself seated across from Mr. Smith, an acclaimed lawyer in the city who delved into the intricate details of Abraham's case.

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The lawyer's office exuded an air of professionalism, lined with shelves of legal books and adorned with framed credentials, offering an aura of hope in Abraham's time of despair.

A seasoned attorney with a reputation for taking on challenging cases, Mr. Smith listened attentively as Abraham recounted the events that had led to his imprisonment.

Abraham leaned forward, his eyes locked on Mr. Smith, the lawyer who represented their last hope for justice.

In a somber tone, he began to recount the events that had transpired two years ago, events that had turned his life into a nightmare.

"Two years ago," Abraham began, "my former boss, Mr. Sutton, was involved in a forgery scheme at the office. He came to me, desperate and scared, seeking my help."

Mr. Smith scribbled notes as Abraham continued to unravel the past. The room was filled with the weight of his confession.

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"He told me about his pregnant wife, who was about to give birth to their baby," Abraham continued, his voice heavy with regret. "He feared going to jail for the crime, and that's when he made me an offer."

Abraham then described the deal they had struck.

The lawyer's brow furrowed as he listened, his understanding of the situation deepening with each word Abraham spoke.

"But just yesterday," Abraham's voice cracked with emotion, "after two years of serving a jail sentence for a crime I never committed, I found out the truth. Mr. Sutton had no wife, and there was no baby. It was all a lie. He tricked and used me to save his back."

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Mr. Smith's eyes narrowed in thought, and he closed his notebook. "Thank you for sharing your story, Abraham. You've come to the right place," he declared confidently.

"I must say, I find this case incredibly interesting. We have a strong case of deceit and false imprisonment. I assure you we will do everything in our power to bring Mr. Sutton to justice and clear your name."

Abraham sat on the edge of his seat, his eyes fixed on Mr. Smith.

A glimmer of hope danced in his gaze, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. He had placed all his hopes on Mr. Smith's expertise and reputation.

"I happen to be one of the most acclaimed lawyers in town, and if there's anyone who can bring justice to your situation, it's me," Mr. Smith continued.

Abraham's gratitude was evident as he rose from his seat, extending his hand for a handshake. However, he was taken aback when Mr. Smith's expression shifted.

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"But Abraham," Mr. Smith said gravely, "I want to be clear. By taking up this case, I'm putting myself at risk. We're not dealing with an ordinary man here."

Abraham's hope wavered for a moment as Mr. Smith reminded him of the powerful and well-connected Mr. Sutton. The reality of the challenge ahead began to sink in.

"It's not going to be an easy battle," Mr. Smith cautioned.

Abraham nodded, his nervousness evident. He knew that fighting for justice often came at a steep cost, and he feared that Mr. Smith would demand a substantial fee for his services.

He leaned forward in his chair, his worry evident as he interrupted Mr. Smith, "I don't have that kind of money to afford your fees."

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To his surprise, Mr. Smith chuckled softly, his eyes filled with a hint of amusement. "Abraham, you've got it all wrong," he said. "I wasn't talking about fees at all. I'm willing to take on this case pro bono."

Abraham's eyes widened in disbelief. "Pro bono?" he repeated, unable to believe his ears.

Mr. Smith nodded solemnly. "Yes, Abraham. I believe in the importance of justice, and I can see that you've been wronged. But there's a catch…"

Abraham leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "What's the catch?"

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Mr. Smith leaned back in his chair, a sly glint in his eyes. "Winning this case is only possible if we have solid evidence against Mr. Sutton. I can't take the case until we have something concrete to work with."

Abraham's desperation was evident as he asked, "How do we get that evidence? I have no idea where to start."

Mr. Smith gave a sheepish smile, his tone lowering conspiratorially.

"Well, Abraham, sometimes justice requires us to take a few unconventional steps. We might have to do things the crooked way, and it comes with its risks. Are you willing to take those risks to seek the justice you deserve?"

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Abraham sat back in his chair, torn between his desire for retribution against his deceitful boss and his moral compass. After a momentous silence, he nodded in agreement, his voice resolute.

"I'll do whatever it takes."

The next day, Abraham found himself back in the brightly lit hallway of Bloomingdale Corp.

He had taken great care to blend in, dressed in a denim shirt and pants, and wearing a cap that bore the logo of a drinking water delivery services company.

The uniform was his disguise, allowing him to move through the office without raising suspicion.

Anxiety gnawed at him as he adjusted the cap, ensuring it concealed his face from any curious glances or potential surveillance cameras.

With a can of drinking water casually slung over his shoulder, he walked purposefully past his oblivious boss, Mr. Sutton.

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Mr. Sutton was deeply engrossed in reviewing the company's upcoming annual report presentation on an employee's computer, seemingly unaware of Abraham's presence.

As he passed Mr. Sutton, Abraham whispered under his breath, "Just keep focused, Abraham. This is your chance to find the evidence you need."

Abraham's heart raced with the fear of getting caught, but his determination to unearth the truth and seek justice for the injustice he had suffered propelled him forward.

He knew he was taking an enormous risk, but the stakes were too high to turn back now. As he continued down the hallway, Abraham muttered to himself, "Stay calm, stay invisible. You can do this."

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With each passing moment, the weight of his mission pressed down on him, but Abraham was determined to see it through. He had entered the lion's den, and there was no turning back now.

With a sense of urgency, Abraham hurried into the empty cafeteria and quietly set the can of water on the floor.

He glanced around and swiftly disabled the fire alarm, triggering deafening emergency shrills throughout the office.

Panic swept through the workspace as employees scrambled to evacuate the premises, thinking a fire had broken out in the building.

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Amid the chaos, Abraham saw his opportunity and seized it.

Sneaking into Mr. Sutton's office, he felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The clock was ticking, and he knew he had to find the evidence he needed before anyone returned.

With trembling hands, he began to search through a shelf of folders and files. Then, there it was—a red file that contained the crucial evidence of Mr. Sutton's forgery and his association with a dangerous gang.

Abraham carefully stashed it away, knowing it could be his ticket to justice.

But as he continued his frantic search, his eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

A yellow folder caught his attention, and when he opened it, he found documents that revealed a shocking truth.

There, in black and white, were photographs of Mr. Smith, the lawyer he had turned to for help.

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Abraham's heart sank as he realized that Mr. Smith was not just an acquaintance of Mr. Sutton—he was the family lawyer, intricately connected to the man who had betrayed him.

Abraham couldn't help but mutter a swear word. "What the—? How deep does this betrayal go? Is there anyone I could trust... someone who isn't licking Mr. Sutton's boots for money?"

The revelation sent shockwaves through him, and he grappled with the weight of his own naivety.

The world around him seemed to crumble as he questioned his every decision, including seeking help from the very lawyer who was tied to his enemy.

With the evidence in hand and newfound doubts about his allies haunting him, Abraham knew that the path to justice had become even more treacherous and complex.

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The following morning, he stormed into Mr. Smith's office, his face determined and his grip on the red file unyielding. With a sharp thud, he slammed the evidence on the lawyer's desk, causing a few loose papers to flutter to the floor.

"I found it," Abraham declared, his voice tinged with triumph and desperation as he masked a feigned smile, his gaze fixed on Mr. Smith.

The lawyer leaned back in his leather chair, faking a victorious smile. "Impressive, Abraham. Tell me, how did you manage to pull this off?"

Abraham's eyes bore into the lawyer's, his frustration and anger still smoldering beneath the surface. "I had to take risks, Mr. Smith. For justice."

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Mr. Smith began to study the contents of the red file, and his casual demeanor quickly shifted to one of shock and disbelief. He couldn't contain a gasp as he scanned the incriminating documents.

"This is not just enough to expose your former boss, Abraham," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe. "It's enough to put almost every gang lord in the city behind bars. Good job!"

Abraham nodded, his expression determined. "I know. It's all there, in black and white."

Mr. Smith arched an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Abraham. "What else do you know about your boss and this case, Abraham?"

Abraham hesitated for a moment, considering his options. He had to be cautious with his words. "I've learned everything that's in that red file, Mr. Smith."

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Leaning forward, Mr. Smith's tone became more serious. "Do you believe this evidence is enough to ensure that your former boss serves a lengthy sentence?"

Abraham met the lawyer's gaze, his eyes filled with resolve. "It has to be, Mr. Smith. For my family, for justice, it has to be enough."

Mr. Smith meticulously stacked the papers from the red file, his expression thoughtful as he gazed at Abraham.

He leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled, and asked in a low, probing tone, "Abraham, is there any other crucial evidence you might possess that could further strengthen our case?"

Abraham's shoulders sagged, and he shook his head in resignation. "No, Mr. Smith, what you see on this table is everything I managed to gather."

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A devious smirk tugged at the corners of Mr. Smith's lips as he rose from his chair. A sense of foreboding washed over Abraham as he watched the lawyer pick up the stacks of evidence and approach a nearby shredder.

In stunned disbelief, Abraham could only utter a weak protest. "No. Stop. Wha…what are you doing, Mr. Smith?"

Without a word, Mr. Smith fed the papers into the shredder, the deafening roar of the machine drowning out Abraham's cries of despair.

Piece by piece, the evidence that could have brought his former boss to justice was reduced to confetti.

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Abraham's face contorted with anger and frustration as he confronted Mr. Smith. "Why would you do that? That was our only chance!"

Just as Abraham's voice trembled with rage and despair, a chillingly familiar voice sliced through the tension.

From behind Abraham, the door swung open, and in walked his ex-boss, Mr. Sutton, wearing a sinister grin that chilled Abraham to the bone.

"Well, well, Abraham," Mr. Sutton sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "It seems you've been quite busy."

Abraham's heart raced as he attempted to rise from his chair, but a firm hand on his shoulder forced him back into his seat. Mr. Sutton, his grip ironclad, kept him firmly in place.

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Abraham turned his bewildered gaze toward Mr. Smith, his voice trembling with anger and betrayal. "What's going on here, Mr. Smith?"

The lawyer's response was far from what he expected. Mr. Smith's chuckle filled the room, an unsettling sound that set Abraham's teeth on edge. He revealed his true colors with a sinister grin.

"You see, Abraham," Mr. Smith began, his voice dripping with spite, "you made a grave mistake in trying to double-cross my long-time client, Mr. Sutton." He paused, relishing Abraham's shock.

Abraham's eyes widened as the realization washed over him. He had unwittingly delivered his plans directly into the hands of his adversary.

"You... you betrayed me?" he gasped.

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Mr. Smith's laughter echoed through the office as he confirmed Abraham's worst fears. "Oh, indeed, I did. I reached out to Mr. Sutton and provided him with all the details of your little scheme. In return, I received quite a handsome tip."

Abraham was trapped, his options narrowing with each passing second.

Mr. Sutton leaned in, his voice dripping with mockery. "You, my dear Abraham, were a fool to trust anyone in this city. Every lawyer works for me, and your case won't stand a chance, especially now that the evidence has been destroyed."

Abraham's chest tightened with despair as the reality of his situation settled in. He had played right into the hands of his enemies, and now, the consequences loomed large before him.

As Mr. Smith reveled in Abraham's despair, he delivered the final blow. "Abraham, my friend, the tables have turned, and not in your favor. We have more than enough evidence to ensure you find yourself in very troubled waters."

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Abraham's heart sank further as Mr. Smith continued. "There's CCTV footage of you breaking into Mr. Sutton's office, stealing confidential documents. I'd say that's a one-way ticket to jail, and I'll make sure it's a lengthy stay."

A feeling of helplessness washed over Abraham, and he sprang to his feet, desperation etched across his face. "But you made me do this. You plotted everything."

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. Mr. Sutton and Mr. Smith burst into laughter, their amusement at Abraham's predicament evident.

Mr. Sutton, showing his vile side, leaned closer to Abraham and whispered something crude in his ear, a disgusting proposition involving Abraham's wife, Joan.

"You know, Abraham," he sneered, "while you rot in jail, I might just offer a helping hand to your beautiful wife in exchange for a little... favor. My bad! I missed doing it earlier when you took the blame for me and went to jail!"

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Abraham's eyes blazed with anger, his spirit momentarily rekindled by a furious fire.

"You heartless monster!" he yelled.

But the two men just laughed harder, reveling in their victory over a desperate and defeated man.

Abraham's rage smoldered beneath the surface as Mr. Sutton taunted him, threatening dire consequences if he dared to retaliate.

"Lay a fingernail on me, Abraham, and you'll wish you were never born," he warned with a wicked grin. "Half the inmates in that prison owe their misery to me."

He continued to taunt Abraham, promising to look after his family and keep his wife, Joan, happy in every possible way during his absence.

Mr. Smith joined in the mockery, his laughter echoing through the room.

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But Abraham's anger gradually transformed into a steely resolve. He looked up at the lawyer and smirked, without a hint of respect or fear.

"You know what, Alistair?" Abraham began, his tone dripping with fury.

Mr. Smith, crossing his arms and still chuckling, retorted, "What?"

Abraham's eyes bore into the lawyer's with an unwavering intensity. "You may have destroyed the evidence... but I won't stop until I expose your crooked dealings."

"Oh really?" Mr. Smith laughed.

Abraham shook his head, fury etched on his face. "I thought you were a decent guy, Mr. Smith. Professional. Someone I could trust. But you turned out to be a fraudster yourself!"

Mr. Smith's laughter erupted once more, as if Abraham's naivety were the funniest joke he'd heard in years.

"Decent?" he scoffed.

"Decency doesn't pay the bills, my friend. In this line of work, you've got to do a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering, especially when dealing with wealthy clients. That's how you make more than just a decent living!"

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Mr. Sutton chimed in, his mocking tone cutting through the room. "You see, Abraham, nobody's a saint in this world. Not in the corporate jungle, at least." He leaned forward, cross-questioning Abraham.

"Tell me, would you even be sitting here in this fancy lawyer's office if I'd kept my promise and brought you out of jail as I proposed? If I'd taken care of your family while you did the time?"

The question hung heavily in the air, and Abraham had no answer. The bitter reality had him cornered—he'd been a pawn in a game of deception, used and discarded when he was no longer of use.

But beneath his apparent defeat, a fire began to burn. Abraham's trust had been shattered, and he was now on a quest for redemption and justice.

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His laughter echoed through the room, bitter and ironic. He fixed his gaze squarely on Mr. Smith and Mr. Sutton, his eyes filled with a newfound determination.

"I wasn't greedy," he said, his voice steady, "but I was foolish. Foolish to trust your lies and fake promises, Mr. Sutton."

He turned his attention to Mr. Smith, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "And as for you, Mr. Smith, I've learned a valuable lesson from my former boss—never trust a person who asks you to commit a crime."

With a sudden and deliberate movement, Abraham unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a hidden microphone pinned to his vest.

He spoke into it calmly, addressing an officer on the other end of the line.

"Do we have everything recorded, Officer?"

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Silence hung in the air, thick with tension. Mr. Sutton and Mr. Smith exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

It was a moment of reckoning, and they found themselves caught in a web of deceit they had spun themselves.

The color drained from Mr. Sutton's face as he listened to Abraham's revelation. His hands trembled slightly as he removed his glasses, beads of sweat forming on his temples.

Abraham continued, his voice firm and resolute. "Those papers Mr. Smith shredded were just copies of the original documents. The real evidence is safe and sound in the hands of the police!"

"You see, the recorded conversation we've got here, it's like the final piece of the puzzle. It's gonna make sure you two end up with hefty prison sentences."

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Mr. Sutton, feeling the walls closing in, attempted one last desperate plea. "I can hire you back, Abraham. We can put all of this behind us. Please—"

Abraham's response was swift and cutting. "I don't make deals with trash," he said, his voice laced with contempt.

"You're nothing but a stinking piece of trash who uses people for your own advantage. You stink... inside out."

Mr. Smith, seeing an opportunity, made a surprising offer to Abraham. "Abraham, I've been thinking... What if I assist you with your case against Mr. Sutton... free of cost?" he declared.

Mr. Sutton turned to him, his eyes blazing with betrayal and fury. "You've got to be kidding me, Alistair!"

But Abraham turned down the offer. "I don't seek help from people who never hesitate to sacrifice the lives of vulnerable people for their own gain," he hissed.

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Abraham's journey towards justice had finally borne fruit. Mr. Sutton and Mr. Smith soon found themselves facing the dire consequences of their crimes. They were arrested and sent to jail, where they could no longer manipulate and deceive others.

A couple of days later, Abraham arrived home with a gift for his son, Sully, a small token of his love and the promise of a better future.

Joan noticed the excitement on his face, a stark contrast to the weariness that had clouded it for so long. She couldn't help but ask Abraham what had brought about this newfound happiness.

"What's the matter, honey? You seem so happy today," she nudged.

Abraham grinned, tears of joy waiting to spring from his eyes. "Guess what, honey? I not only got my job back but also received a personal offer from Bloomingdale Corp's new boss. They recognized my efficiency and want me back!"

Joan's eyes sparkled with renewed hope and joy. "Oh my God! Really? That's incredible, honey! But... but what about our home? Are we still going to be evicted?"

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"Uhm, yes... we'll have to leave this house," Abraham said, his eyes downcast and tone low, "because we're going to move into our new apartment!" he exclaimed, showing Joan the keys to their new company-paid, fully-furnished apartment downtown.

"Oh, Aby, you're amazing!" Joan teared up, throwing herself in Abraham's arms.

"You're the best Dad in the world!" Sully exclaimed as Abraham gently pecked a kiss on his head and admired his son's stick figure drawings of a happy family against the backdrop of a bright sunset.

As they hugged and kissed, the bond between them grew stronger, and they eagerly embraced the prospect of starting a new chapter in their lives together.

As for Mr. Sutton and Mr. Smith, their fates were sealed behind bars, giving them a bitter taste of their own medicine.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

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A wronged waiter poisons his evil boss's drink to get back at him for mocking him and severing his pay. But things take a horrific turn when the boss's daughter grabs the drink. Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to
