Bruce Montgomerie Missing, Santa Rosa CA/ Maryland, Who Is Bruce Montgomerie Kaiser Permanente

As of 11/8/22, we haven’t found my brother. The search will continue and they say if he did end up drowning in the ocean, it can be up to two weeks before we’ll find out.

A few days after my brother was missing, his daughter and her boyfriend were divinely led to an area north of the car, and found clothing near a cliff. We didn’t know if they were relevant at first and left them. It was very windy and I didn’t want anyone going to close to the edge. As we were leaving, my niece decided to talk to the ranger about retrieving them. We’re all glad she trusted her intuition. They were my brothers. There was a receipt and his glasses inside the pocket of his jacket. I have no idea how the helicopters and search parties missed these items. But I’m grateful that his son and daughter were able to get some items of their father’s.

Thank you for all your loving messages and continued prayers. Hearing from the parents of his young patients, co-workers and all the caring friends out there, has been such a gift. His children and family are deeply grateful, touched and moved. <3

The sheriff is continuing to search and I will update as soon as I find out anything.

10/28/22: My brother Bruce has been missing since Thursday morning. He lives in Santa Rosa, CA but his car was found today at the Jenner Highlands Preserve on HWY 1. We are extremely concerned. If anyone has seen him in the surrounding areas, please contact us immediately. Thank you.

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