Leonardo DiCaprio a long way of weight changes

Leonardo DiCaprio – a long way of weight changes

The story will be circled around the Hollywood actor, whose fame found him after the film “Critters3” (1991), and the popularity – after the fascinating “Titanic”. Let us discover all in details.

The movie “Titanic” was released in 1997. It made the women from all over the world to cry on the final scene and be a little bit jealous when watching the great love story. The appearance of the young actor was suitable for the character he presented – the talented artist with no money and lack of fame.

Being slim and fit, Leo felt in love with camera. So, from that very moment his career is considered to be successful.

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Leonardo Dicaprio in movie Titanic. Really handsome

The next role, which demanded essential changes was given to him in 2010 – the film “Inception”. Being as skinny as ever, Leo was made to develop the physical side of his own.

The preparation stuff began long ago before filming – he was working out in the gym 5 times per week, sitting on a strong protein diet. The fight scene was going to be presented to public, that’s why the bode shape was very important.

But if you think it was all for that year, you are definitely wrong. So far he is a demanded movie-presenter, the next role was already waiting for him. 

It turned out to be “Movie J. Edgar”, which was shown on the big screens the year after, but the movie process started already in late 2010. So, Leonardo gained a few pounds to look more mature and probably solid.

As the own comment was, it was necessary to wear a costume properly, for it to look suitable.


What did the further years bring?

In 2012 he was preparing to present a character in “Django Unchained”. Leonardo DiCaprio even wore the beard to look more confident on the screen.

Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained, 2012

The features of confidence also brought a few kilos, which can be seen on face, especially cheeks, and the stomach area.

Any changes?

The year 2013 is famous for the movie “Great Gatsby”, which is based on the well-known novel from the beginning of the past century, written by F. Fitzgerald.

The look of the popular actor was a bit changed as he lost in weight several kilos to look more appropriate from the screen. The event happened on the beginning of May, bringing the huge success around the globe.

Being unpredictable and original, Leo decided to participate in another project, called “The Wolf from the Wall Street”– this was presented to audience in December that exact year.

Since the difference between productions is not big, it was quite uneasy to renew the appearance by gaining some weight.

The own comment was or, maybe, the rumor on one private party was that is complicated to gain kilos quickly, because there were not enough cakes. Such a funny man is Leonardo.


In 2014 he was caught by journalists resting on the beach. But it can be assumed he has got a right to relax after hard-working days full of acting. The new item added to Leo’s appearance was the belly. Wearing no T-shirt because of sunbathing, it became known he had put some kilos..


The loudest event of the past year as well as the most expected was the appearance of “The Revenant” (2015) in a free maintenance and cinemas.

leonardo-dicaprio-a-long-way-of-movie-changes-5A story, which is going to be told, is about the man from the 19th century, who fights for life in the difficult conditions, struggling with nature and wildness.

The requires to Leo were a good physical form, because the scenery was mostly real, not in Hollywood, and as much emotions as possibly. I guess everything was done perfectly.

The film was highly appreciated by audience and critics as finally Leonardo DiCaprio was rewarded with Oscar.

On the ceremony he was wearing the black tuxedo, so it seemed to be Leo was not overweight or extremely slim. Probably he came back to normal life, being the average attractive shape.

Throughout the movie career, he was also nominated for Best Actor and the Best Supporting Role Awards. Now the list is added by the desired Oscar.

                                           He is so masculine

So, good luck to him, staying awaited for the new upcoming films.

leonardo dicaprio then (1997) and now (2016)

